Amass Paint

I've never much cared for painting. I think this image gives a good demonstration of why: my skill is absolutely garbo, in a way that can't really be practiced the same way I might practice, say, drawing or writing. The medium actively rebels against any attempt to marshal it into the form of an image. In this instance, it was a case of "wrong materials for the job," as I was attempting to draw brown rocks while lacking brown paint. But they were not very user-friendly paints either, as they came in cakes and you, the painter, had to mix the proper amount of water with them. This was in the same highschool class as that grim reaper drawing, so I'm not sure what the art teacher was thinking, getting those paints for a bunch of amateurs.

Admittedly, this is among the furthest-off-intention paintings I've ever disgorged (and I detest the process, so don't worry about me bringing more into the world.) There are some that are borderline not-kindling. This is just an illustration. Heh.

I'm sure that someone who actually knows about painting is going to lambast me for picking the "cake-paint" class and perhaps yell "git gud, scrub! Wot brushes u got?" But, I really must know: how does one actually get interested in painting? My understanding is that good paint and brushes are expensive, and learning the technique is difficult. Perhaps "good" here translates to "cooperative." I recall as a young child having a lot of uncooperative paint. But if the el cheapo paint you buy for kids is so uncooperative, how do said kids ever come to any conclusion except "painting is a load of rubbish?"
