Yo I'm M. C. Escher

In the sixth grade, they gave us three teachers who each taught two classes consecutively. Never mind who "they" are - they don't want you to know. In reality, of course, two of the classes were science, and two of the classes were English. Geography and maths, quite the odd combination, were fulfilled by a man who looked like Cliff Stoll from a parallel universe where everyone is less interesting. He was kind and informative, at least on the mathematical side of things. I remember very little of geography, perhaps because, being a STEM school, we don't need no damn librul arts! Or perhaps it was taken over by odd activities like the one you see above.

I have several of these coloring contest things. I don't recall what the prize was, but everyone would get their finished pieces on the projector, and we'd vote on whose was best. They'd then all be hung on the cabinets to set an example for the others.
